Привет Hello Hallo Hola Salut Selam Ho Xin chào שָׁלוֹם

你好 안녕 नमस्ते السلام الليتم !

Congratulations! You are now a Russian University of Transport’s student!

Here we have gathered for you all the most important and useful information in one guide.

Yours first steps

Here is where you will learn how to start your new student’s life!

Dates of meetings with first-year students

Russian University of Transport

Dates of the freshman's visit to Multifunctional Public Services Center (MPSC)
Internal regulations of students

First grade MPSC

RUT (MIIT)’s Multifunctional Public Services Center located in the room


Obrazcova Street, 9c9

(Campus №1, 2nd floor)

MPSC’s phone number:
+7 (495) 274-02-74 extens. 1111
+7 (915) 242-20-47
Working hours:
8:00 – 20:00
Monday through Friday

Services for first grade students:

Pass issuance to the University’s territory

Issuance of enrollment certificate

Issuance of students ID

(at Academic office, room 1301)

To order a certificate:

Academic office

  • Through email
    The letter should include:
    • full name
    • study-group number
    • number of certificate copies
    • place of submission
  • In person in the room 1301
    3rd floor, Campus №1 (don’t forget your student ID)
Universal phone number of the International Cooperation Office:
Working hours:
09:00 – 18:00
Monday through Friday
(Friday until 16:45)


  • Through email

  • In person in the room 1224
    2nd floor, Campus №1 (don’t forget your student ID)

When the certificate ready you can pick it up in the room 1301 (Academic office).

The certificate produced within 3 working days.

Issuance of an electronic pass (Proximity card) for access to the University will carry out on the appointed date at the MPSC RUT (MIIT)

room 1226, 2nd floor, Campus №1

(don’t forget your passport and its translation if needed)

A passport and a screenshot (the screenshot must contain your full name and enrollment order) from your personal account will be required until you receive your student ID and electronic pass.

ROAT First grade MPSC

For students of the Russian Open Academy of Transport

(extramural studies)

Phone: +7 (499) 151-89-00
Working hours: 9:00 – 18:00 (Mon-Fri)
How to find us: 22/2 Chasovaya St., 1st floor, room 121.
  • How to register at University’s clinic?

  • If you do not have a Moscow Obligatory medical insurance (OMI) policy

    When visiting the RUT (MIIT) Clinic in person

    Bring the following documents:

    • passport or temporary ID card if you are changing your passport
    • Voluntary Medical Insurance (VMI) policy
    • SNILS (personal insurance policy number)
  • If you have a Moscow Obligatory medical insurance (OMI) policy

    On the website of RUT (MIIT)

    in the personal cabinet

    Section ‘Polyclinic'

How do I get a Muscovite Social Card?

Foreign students are also able to receive this card.

It requires:

  • 1
    Receive SNILS at the MPSC office
  • 2
  • 3
    Select the service “Muscovite Card for student, medical resident, Ph.D. candidate, assistant trainee”
  • 4
    Fill in the application form and attach a photo. Check your personal data and press the “Submit” button
  • 5
    Receive the card at the “My Documents” public service center specified in yours application
  • 6
    If your application is denied due to the lack of data in the register, you should contact the Office for Work with Students of the Human Resources Department
    Room 1213, 2nd floor, Campus №1

    Data in the register will appear until September 15

How do I start using the Science and Technology Library?

To get a library card, go to the nearest library and show your student ID or campus pass.

Before you start, please read the following «Terms of use of STL»
Read more about RUT (MIIT) library

How to work with your personal cabinet and EIEE

Access credentials are issued upon enrollment according to the following ways:

When registering on the University’s website to apply for admission online.

The requisites are sent to the specified e-mail address

In paper form when submitting documents in person

at the University Admissions Office
Electronic information and educational environment or EIEE 
(In Russian - Электронная информационно-образовательная среда or ЭИОС)
It is designed to organize and support the educational process for the implemented educational programs.
The main element of the electronic environment is the Personal Web Office - a secure Internet service designed to provide information personally to each student, teacher, or employee of the University.
Within the electronic environment, you can form your portfolio, view your curriculum, results of interim control and sessions, and chat with your teacher.
To gain access to the EEIS, follow the instructions for gaining access to your personal account.

How to restore access to your personal cabinet?


  • Academic office for work with foreign nationals

    Room 1301: Campus №1, 3rd floor
    Don’t forget your students ID

How to work with Microsoft Teams, Microsoft 365 and student’s mail?

All RUT (MIIT) employees, professors and students can use MS Teams application and MS 365 tools under the RUT (MIIT) corporate license.

  • Access details can be found in your personal cabinet in the «About Me» tab (Обо мне)
  • In case of problems (no credentials, can't log in), you need to report it to the email
    Please specify in the email your full Name and Surname, Date of birth and the Login to your personal cabinet.
  • When registering in MS 365 system, a mail is automatically created in the domain
    Access details are the same as for an MS 365 account.

Where do I get a receipt for my tuition fee?

  • You can find the receipt for payment of tuition fees in your personal cabinet (the “My Contracts” section, under the “Stages” tab)
    If you haven’t found a receipt, see the economist in the room 1302 (Visa office)
    +7 (495) 274-02-74 ext. 3840
    or come to room 1414-2 (Marketing and International Relations Department)
    +7 (495) 274-02-74 ext. 3327
    If you are unable to contact us in person, please email us via, or call us at the phone numbers listed below

Payment of scholarships to foreign citizens

Scholarships are awarded to foreign citizens who are enrolled on a full-time budgetary basis by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation and are credited on a full-time budgetary basis.

For more information about increased scholarships and other payments made to international students, contact the dean's office at your institution.


How do I decipher the room number?

It is better to read the room number from right to left:

  • the first two digits on the right are the room number
  • the third digit on the right is the floor number
  • fourth and fifth digits is the campus number

The letter H in the room number indicates that it belongs to Campus №4 (example – H506)

If the number consists of three digits, this room is located in the

Russian Open Academy of Transport

University’s Map

Clicking on the Campus will reveal more information: Campus’ entrances, student canteen, and more.

Корпус №1 ИУЦТ
Корпус №8 ВИШ, ПИШ, АБП
Корпус №3 ИЭФ
Корпус №5
Дом химии
Корпус №4 ИТТСУ
Административный корпус №10
Корпус №2
Корпус №12 ИМТК
Корпус №6 ЮИ
Минаевский переулок
Новосущевская улица
улица Образцова
Новосущёвский переулок
Корпус №7 ИПСС
Корпус №14
Дом физики


The Occupancy order to move into dormitory will appear in personal cabinet

The validity term of a referral (order) for move-in is 10 working days.

If you are unable to download the occupancy order, you need to arrive at the specified dormitory without printing out the order.

Deadlines for paperwork and dormitory occupancy in 2024:

From August 31, 2024


students enrolled without entrance tests within the special quota and employer-sponsored quota

From September 1, 2024


students enrolled in general competition at the expense of budgetary allocations of the federal budget on the main educational programs of higher education on a full-time basis (except for students with permanent registration in Moscow and the Moscow region) and under education agreements, concluded at admission at the expense of individuals and (or) legal entities under educational programs of higher education - Bachelor's degree programs, Specialist’s degree programs of full-time study and according to the results of the competition for admission, having an average score of the unified state examination not less than 75 points (except for students with permanent registration in Moscow and the Moscow region)

Detailed information about move-in to the dormitories of RUT (MIIT)
Recommended to familiarize yourself with the rules of living in the dormitories of RUT (MIIT)
22 Obraztsova St.
Block type Dormitory
Toilet and bathroom in the block
7 Oktyabrsky Lane
Dormitory of the Russian Academy of Railway Transport

In order to move into the dormitory of the RUT (MIIT) it is necessary to provide a medical certificate issued by the RUT (MIIT) Clinic.

Medical certificate for move-in to the dormitories of RUT (MIIT) issued free of charge after examination by a medical worker of the RUT (MIIT) Clinic.

Before visiting the RUT (MIIT) Clinic (18 Novosuschevskaya St.), foreign nationals should purchase a Voluntary Medical Insurance Policy (VMI) in room 1302 (Visa Office)
  • Certificate for move-in to the dormitory

    (provided in dormitory №2, 22 Obraztsova St.)

    Visit the RUT (MIIT) Clinic

    (18 Novosuschevskaya St.) with the documents:

    • Identity document
    • Fluorography (performed not more than a year ago)
    • A valid certificate of absence of HIV infection
    • Medical certificate, 086/u form (or VMI)
  • Medical certificate, 086/u form

    (submitted to the Academic office (room 1301))

    1. According to the schedule, undergo a medical examination in the RUT (MIIT) Clinic (18 Novosuschevskaya St.), and receive the medical certificate, 086/u form.
    2. The medical certificate, 086/u form should be submitted to the Academic office (Obraztsova St., 9, building 9, Campus №1, room 1301).
For more information please call the clinic – +7 (495) 274 03 95
or email your question via

In order to avoid queues on move-in days, it is recommended to apply for the medical certificate at the RUT (MIIT) Clinic in advance, starting from 12.08.2024 (August 31 and September 1 are working days)

Where can I get a receipt for my dormitory?
  • The receipt for payment for the dormitory can be found in your personal cabinet in the «My Dormitory» section, in the «Payment Notification» tab
    If you do not have a receipt, contact the Office of Resident Engagement or your dormitory warder

Important for study

Class Schedule

You can find the schedule on the RUT (MIIT) website by entering your group number (which you can find in your personal account under the 'My Education' tab) or by selecting it from the list and downloading the schedule in .pdf format.

Schedule will appear no earlier than 10 days before the start of the term.

Please note that the group number may change while the group formation is in progress!

For students of the Russian open academy of transport

(part-time study)

Important note

  • 1
    Class timetables can change significantly, so you should check the website for the timetable up to date on the date of the class in .pdf format
  • 2
    The student is obliged to attend all classes

Class schedule time

The Russian University of Transport has a modular system of classes

On even and odd weeks, the schedule may differ

September 2
The odd (the first) week will begin

September 9

Even (the second) week will begin

and so on...

80 minutes
Single class duration

Control measures

Current control of academic progress
is conducted to evaluate the progress of the educational program and its components
Interim attestation
is conducted for the purpose of evaluating intermediate and final learning outcomes

Interim assessments take place at the end of a semester.

(In forms of examinations and end of term tests)

If a student receives a grade of

«failed», «unsatisfactory» or «failure to appear»

it is necessary to urgently contact the academic department to organize the procedure of elimination of debts.

Students are obliged to eliminate the debt at the repeated interim examination.

A full-time student has the opportunity to eliminate the debt within two months from the beginning of the next semester on the dates established by the educational department.

If the student has not eliminated debts during the repeated interim certification, he or she is subject to expulsion.

What if…?

Where can I get or order a certificate of education?
International office
You can order this certificate by mail, by phone number given on the page «Admission of foreign citizens», or in person in room 1301, as well as pick it up when ready.
Where can I get my transcript and student ID?
International office
In our Study department, room 1301
Where can I find out if I've been accepted to a university?
International office
To do this, you will need to go to you
personal cabinet to «My Orders» section
When does the enrollment order come out?
International office
You can find out all information about enrollment dates in your personal account in the «Enrollment» section
How do I know what my chances of admission are?
International office
Where can I pay for my education?
International office
Basic payment information is posted in your personal account, but if it is not available, you can go to room 1414-2 in person and get a printed receipt of payment
Career Center
The RUT (MIIT) Career Center is a structural subdivision of the Russian Transport University responsible for career navigation of students and graduates, as well as building relationships between employers and students.

Career counseling, internships, first jobs, introductions to employers, company tours, trainings and career events are all waiting for you at the Career Center. Here you can get help with developing your labor market skills and finding a job.

What the Center can help me with:

  • Helping me create a resume and prepare a cover letter
  • Finding appropriate jobs or internships
  • Conducting training sessions and master classes to develop supra-professional skills
  • Attend meetings with employers
  • Visit company tours

Our social media and contacts

Sign up and keep up with the latest news about events, meetings, and jobs

Anastasiia Aleksandrovna
Director of the Center
Anna Dmitrievna
Deputy Director of the Center


Zarina Karenovna

Bookkeeper of the centre

Sign up for Career Counselling:

+7 (916) 594-94-32

Youth Science

Create a movement together with the Youth Science Centre (YSC) and the Student Scientific Society (SSS), pave your own way to the world of transport science and to the Government Prize in Transport Science and Technology named after V.N. Obraztsov, the great Russian transport scientist, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Student Scientific Society is an opportunity:

  • Find like-minded people
  • Organise a popular science event, club or discussion club
  • Take part in scientific research and development
  • Apply for and win a research scholarship, award, competition or grant

Event formats:

  • Masterclasses
    Writing scientific articles, preparation of grant applications, basics of public speaking, etc.
  • Lectures by leading scientists
  • Intellectual games
    Quizzes, quests, etc.
  • Science film screenings
  • Round tables, scientific and practical conferences
  • Hackathons, Olympiads and scientific competitions
  • Thematic exhibitions of students' scientific creativity
  • Visits to laboratories and research centres

Centre of Youth Science:

  • Coordinates the activities of SNO and the Council of Young Scientists (CYS)
  • Publishes the student scientific journal ‘Applicant’
  • Organises industry events

Key events:

  • All-Russian Scientific and Practical Student Conference ‘Weeks of Science’
    Held at the university for more than 30 years and for 2 years in transport industry universities
  • Competitions of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation
    ‘Best Student Abstract’ and “Young Scientists of the Transport Industry” competitions
  • Pride of RUT (MIIT) Award
    Scientific nominations

Social network page and contact:

Deputy Director of CMN, Coordinator of SNO

Creative teams

Dear first-year students!

From 2 to 6 September and from 9 to 13 September

from 14:00 to 19:00

We are waiting for vocalists, musicians, dancers, actors, artists, photographers, videographers, scriptwriters, organisers and all talented young people in the Palace of Culture of our university!

To participate in the selection you should pre-register

Palace of Culture
Russian University of Transport

Address: Novosuschevsky pereulok 6c1

Contact phone number: +7 915 254-03-80 (Adela)

Palace of Culture Virtual tour
Dance group
Folk Dance Ensemble
Dance group
Dance group
Vocal group
Vocal group
Individual lessons with vocalists
Gennady Vladimirovich Kosinov
+7 919 966-13-78

Gevorgyan Varduhi Gagikovna
+7 964 552-26-63
Social media

Contacts of

International Cooperation Department

Single number of the International Co-operation Department

Study/visa department

Office of International Co-operation